You can listen to the recorded sermon of our Sunday Worship.
You can also find previous messages on YouTube..
● November.17 / 11月17日
Matthew 5 : 13 – 16
»You are the salt of the earth and the light of the world«
Preacher: Pastor Yutaro Masuda
● Octoaber.27 / 10月27日
1.Peter 3 : 8 – 11
»As Christians called to inherit God‘s blessings, let us be people who desire the well-being of others through the power of the Holy Spirit!«
Preacher: Missionary Joerg Eymann
● April.9 / 4月9日
Mark 16 : 1 – 8
»Visiting Jesus’ tomb«
Preacher: Pastor Yutaro Masuda
● April.2 / 4月2日
Psalm 4 : 1 – 8
»Deepening our connection with each other on the basis of dialogue with God«
Preacher: Missionary Judith Ricken